Take part in our industry survey and join the conversation around the impact of digital on the consulting sector

Consultants spend a lot of time, and generate a lot of business, helping their clients to drive digital transformation for competitive advantage. But are consulting firms themselves prepared for the next wave of technology-driven change?

Has the time come for consultants to have a dose of their own medicine?

To fully grasp the implications for our industry, we’re launching an important new study to gather digital insights throughout 2021.

As part of this study, we’re going to consider these implications in four phases:

  • Value Propositions – The differentiated services and offerings provided to clients
  • Operating Model – The processes, capabilities, systems, data and governance required to sell and deliver the value propositions and manage the business
  • Workforce – The talent, working arrangements and associated enabling processes required to run the business
  • Commercial – the economics of the business and contractual arrangements

These phases will be made up of research, surveys and roundtable events to test our hypothesis. We’ll look at the digital drivers, gather industry and academic perspectives, and formulate a point of view on the potential changes and how best to take advantage of them.

If you’re interested in joining one of our roundtable groups, please get in touch and we’ll include you in further communications.

How to take part in our first survey

To be part of the conversation, please fill out our quick survey below.

It’ll take no more than 5 minutes and will provide valuable insights that we can share with the industry.